Garan Steen, Software Engineer
Resume (various formats):
- Libre Office / Open Office (odf, Open Document Format)
- MS-Word 6 (doc)
- MS-Word 2010 (docx)
- MS-Word (doc, old version of MS Word)
Project Descriptions/Samples
Current Projects (2012-01)
Shopping Cart
Key/Interesting Features:
- Database-less design
- Free-form Hierarchical Product Data Specification (YAML-like format) used as data source w/ no redundant values.
- SEO Friendly Catalog
- All products reached through a seemingly static hierarchy of HTML pages with semantic URLS.
- Injected Shopping Cart
- Shopping cart is pure JavaScript implemented as an enhancement to static pages.
- Web-App Shopping Cart
- All shopping cart elements are dynamic widgets; using DOJO & XHR requests.
- Account-less Design
- No user data is required or requested from user until checkout.
- 3rd Party Trust
- Credit card data and transactions are performed on trusted merchant site (PayPal).
Key/Interesting Features:
Mini Wiki
Key/Interesting Features:
- Nearly 100% JavaScript
- Source files are simple text files, minimally translated/served as JavaScript.
- Simplified Wiki Language
A minimum of powerful features with low-profile mark-up:
- 3-character-markup wiki links
- readable web/http links
- literal links
- linked text
- spacial formatting (no-markup)
- Simple/Power Search
- Regular Expression search of either wiki tags or content.
- Search Result Views
Three presentation options:
- topic matches
- line matches
- full text matches
- Source View / Edit Mode
- In memory and source file updated through simple diffs; using json over xhr.
Key/Interesting Features:
Other Projects
- Audio Editor
- Audio Text
- Intelligent Light Control